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SOBE Concerned Citizens' Campaign Protects Youngstown

We, SOBE Concerned Citizens, stand united in opposition to the plan to expand into industrial-scale pyrolysis at SOBE Thermal Energy's existing steam heating and cooling plant. SOBE Energy Solutions proposal to "Thermolyze" tires would make Youngstown citizens "Guinea Pigs" for this untested technology.The US EPA has designated Youngstown an Environmental Justice Community of Concern. We condemn SOBE’s “greenwashing” of pyrolysis-calling it “advanced recycling”–and we refuse to let their attempt at environmental racism hurt our beloved community.

Why We Fight

Because SOBE intends to profit as a “chemical recycling” business, superheating chopped up tires, recycled plastics and computer waste to make carbon black, synthetic gas and more plastic: 

  • We are endangered by an industrial site that could possibly explode and burn next to our revitalized downtown

  • We are endangered by the day to day toxic pollution this plant will generate compromising the health of our neighborhoods

  • We are endangered by the usurping of funds being used by a dangerous polluter that instead could be used to employ our citizens in green, sustainable jobs


Brightmark "Advanced Recycling” plant that was superheating plastics to create fuel in Ashley, Indiana, explodes and burns May 14, 2021.

community meeting in Casa Ramirez

The community meets with Beyond Petrochemicals organizers on national tour of threatened environmental justice areas

Unity in the Community

We are united in our community's commitment to green energy, environmental recovery, and rebuilding downtown Youngstown into a vibrant, multicultural center.
We know that the future of the Mahoning Valley is in clean, green, healthy development,  not toxic and unsafe technologies like those SOBE proposes.

We provided yard signs to Youngstown residents

stop pyrolysis billboard in Youngstown Ohio

We placed a billboard near SOBE's proposed site

What We Are Doing



SOBE Concerned Citizens have united Youngstown residents in opposition to this plant by:


  • organizing meetings increasing public awareness,

  • providing research and educational materials,

  • hosting Public Town Hall meetings, like these:



October 12, 2022 - 75 residents listened and questioned some City Council members, the CEO of SOBE,  David Ferro and Buckeye Environmental Network Organizer Teresa Mills about SOBE’s plan to expand from operating as a steam heating utility to an industrial pyrolysis plant. Attendees could take yard signs (shown at top, left) that said "Stop SOBE".


January 9, 2023 - approximately 100 attendees viewed the layout for a billboard “We Have Enough Toxic Air Pollution” to be installed on Belmont Ave., shown at left. Laptop computers were set up where we gave instruction on how to view the US EPA Environmental Justice site, and how to submit a complaint about SOBE to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO)


February 17, 2023 - 65 citizens viewed our introduction to this website,  and listened to HazMat expert Sil Caggiano describing the the East Palestine train derailment and burning of tankers carrying polyvinyl chloride, warning that similar types of chemicals that could be released at this plant were in the emissions from the controlled burn.


On March 30, a Town Hall meeting was held at the Dorothy Day house where the President of City Council, Tom Hetrick presented the zoning opinion petition and SCC organized to get signatures. From April 1 until May 2, 553 residents signed, and we presented these petitions to Mayor Brown on May 9, 2023. On April 22 Tom Hetrick sent THIS LETTER to the OH EPA. It included all of the areas of concern that SCC and the residents of Youngstown and Mahoning County have with this dangerous, polluting, untested proposed process. On May 18, 2023 SCC held a press conference where he read the response from the OH EPA which says that if a locality determines a location is not zoned for industry, it cannot be placed there. READ HERE

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