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SOBE Campaign Timeline
Dates & Actions beginning August 2017 in the campaign to
keep Youngstown free of
pollution from SOBE Thermal Energy


February 14, 2025: Anniversary Valentine's Observation




November 20, 2024: Youngstown City Council voted to renew the moratorium on pyrolysis planned for downtown by SOBE Thermal.

September 3, 2024:  SOBE Concerned Citizens installed air monitors in the Youngstown area with the assistance of Physicians For Social Responsibility. The monitors were installed to establish and monitor air quality levels. See live monitoring HERE.


March 15, 2024: the Youngstown City Law Director submitted an appeal to ERAC (Environmental Review Appeals Commission), requesting that the Ohio EPA air pollution permit be revoked. Read the appeal here: 2024.03.15 Notice of Appeal.pdf


February 14, 2024: The Ohio EPA issued  “an air permit-to-install-and-operate” to SOBE Thermal Energy Systems, LLC for a Thermolyzer (pyrolysis) unit to process tire chips in downtown Youngstown.


February 7, 2024: Beyond Plastics gave testimony to the US EPA in Washington, D.C., and invited SOBE Concerned Citizens to remotely speak as one of the front-line communities being threatened by pyrolysis. We gave testimony to the EPA and recommended that the Biden Administration actively oppose chemical recycling during the upcoming UN Plastics Treaty negotiations.



December 20, 2023: Emergency Ordinance Passes with Unanimous Vote by Youngstown (Ohio) City Council placing moratorium on pyrolysis.


October 24, 2023: Beyond Petrochemicals and Sustainable Youngstown shared an assessment of the ongoing campaign to halt the SOBE pyrolysis project in downtown Youngstown, OH.


October 17, 2023: In-Depth Investigation by ‘101 West’ team - part of WFMJ 21 News airs. "Exposing Danger of SOBE Pyrolysis"

August 10, 2023: Public Comment Meeting Held by Ohio EPA at the Eugenia Atkinson Center in Youngstown.


​July 6, 2023: Ohio EPA issues draft air emissions permit for public comment to SOBE. Deadline for public comments is set for August, we ask for extension of deadline. They change public comment deadline to September.


May 18, 2023: SOBE Concerned Citizens holds a press conference at the SOBE Thermal site. Calls for the Mayor to write a letter to SOBE CEO stating that they cannot expand to an industrial operation where they are located, in a Mixed Use Community Zone.


May 9, 2023: SOBE Concerned Citizens met with Mayor Brown and presented the petition and urged the mayor to represent Youngstown residents and protect the public health. In a news interview that evening, a quote from Mayor Brown ended with: "...I will listen to the citizens."


April 1 through May 2, 2023: SOBE Concerned Citizens canvassed Youngstown residents, obtaining 553 signatures on the Zoning Petition urging NO industrial variance be granted to this pyrolysis plant. PETITION

March 30, 2023:
Dorothy Day House hosted SOBE Concerned Citizens Public Town Hall Meeting where the public was updated on SOBE's changed business plan to pyrolyze computer waste and plastic in Lowellville, and tires in Youngstown. Tom Hetrick presented a zoning opinion written by city planner Jack Daugherty, formatted as a petition for the Mayor and Planning Commission.​


March 22, 2023: The first meeting of the Youngstown City Council Climate Change, Environment and Sustainable Technology Committee featured speaker Sil Caggiano, former YFD battalion chief and HazMat expert explaining the air emissions that could be released from SOBE's process and why no industrial zoning variance should be granted to them.


February 17, 2023:  SCC held a Public Town Hall meeting at the UUYO, introduced website and the STOP SOBE yard signs. Presented a summary of the Feb.7 meeting with the mayor. Sil Caggiano, HazMat expert, spoke on the chemicals released at the East Palestine train derailment and the similar chemical releases that could occur at a pyrolysis plant such as SOBE.


February 7, 2023: SOBE Concerned Citizens met with Mayor Jamael Tito Brown and urged him to speak to OH EPA officials in Columbus and tell them Youngstown citizens do not want this pyrolysis plant.


January 24, 2023: SOBE Concerned Citizens Billboard unveiling press conference located at Belmont Avenue and Burlington St., a high traffic area on the north side saying “We Have Enough Toxic Air Pollution–Stop SOBE.”

January 9, 2023:
SCC held Town Hall at Covelli Center attended by 100 Youngstown residents who  viewed a presentation of the new SOBE Concerned Citizens billboard, learned how to use the US EPA environmental justice site and submit complaints to PUCO on computers made available there.




October 12, 2022: SOBE Concerned Citizens (SCC) held a Public Town Hall meeting at the Unitarian Church  where over 75 residents questioned CEO of SOBE, David Ferro. Coverage by WKBN and The YSU Jambar.


October 3, 2022: Records request to the Ohio EPA for all correspondence between SOBE, CHZ, Optics Consulting and Pennoni and the Ohio EPA. They received our request on October 7. We received files on November 7, 2022.


September 19, 2022: Youngstown's Third Ward meeting with EPA explaining the purpose and history of Ohio EPA. Did not mention SOBE but concerned resident brought it up.


September 16, 2022: Permit to operate the natural gas boiler was granted to SOBE.


August 11, 2022: SOBE Concerned Citizens (SCC) met at the Dorothy Day house to plan a public meeting to have the company present test process-run data on the safety of their planned operation.


July 21, 2022:  Public utilities committee of the Youngstown City Council holds an “informational” meeting with public present where the CEO of SOBE Energy Solutions, David Ferro described their profit-making plan: to superheat shredded tires and recycled plastics to produce synthetic gas, new plastic and carbon black to sell,  as well as produce electricity for the mining of cryptocurrency.


July 14, 2022: 35 Congress persons urge US EPA to continue to regulate companies that attempt to be classified as "advanced" or "chemical" recycling as incineration under Clean Air Act. Letter here.




Nov. 22, 2021: Concerned citizen attends the Public Utilities Committee meeting of the Youngstown City Council, asks what safeguards are in place regarding dangerous air emissions since the state shut down the Air Pollution Division of the Youngstown Health Department and this process would create dioxins and furans from superheating tires and recycled plastics in the populated area of our city. Chairman Mike Ray says the city council is unaware of this business coming to town. He said that nothing can be done because the state regulates air pollution. THIS WAS THE BEGINNING OF SOBE CONCERNED CITIZENS.


Nov. 19, 2021: Small article in Youngstown Vindicator says job creator SOBE Thermal will burn tires and plastic in Youngstown.


Nov. 17, 2021: PUCO permits SOBE Energy Solutions to purchase defunct Youngstown Thermal, LLC which was a utility producing steam heat for downtown buildings. They applied as a heating and cooling company, SOBE Thermal and paid $250,000.00. Press release here.


Oct. 27, 2021: a PUCO staff review found SOBE is capable of providing service, having made several capital investments to improve system efficiencies, and is financially healthy enough to maintain service.


Jan. 13, 2021: Youngstown Thermal and SOBE jointly filed an application to transfer its customers to SOBE.




April 19, 2019: The court-appointed receiver entered into a purchase agreement to sell the business and all assets of the Youngstown Thermal, LLC and Youngstown Thermal Cooling, LLC to SOBE.




August 2017: PUCO sought to have Youngstown Thermal placed under a court-appointed receiver to operate the utility as it faced insolvency.​

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