Hundreds of citizens sent Ohio EPA public comments opposing the granting of an air pollution permit to the planner of a pyrolysis operation in downtown Youngstown.
View one from federal EPA at bottom, and more here
Here is Youngstown's Mayor Brown along with the city law director's 10 page Comment:
EXCERPT from above: The City of Youngstown is opposed to the issuance of a Draft Permit and any Permitting to SOBE for operation in the City of Youngstown. I must address the various concerns raised by Youngstown City Departments and Youngstown residents.
It is readily apparent that the technology proposed by SOBE has no demonstrated track record of safety and reliability.[...] It has been reported that the SOBE plant would release considerable tonnage of particulates emissions of oxides, nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, furans, and other pollutants.[...] The trucking and transportation of these materials through the community is unacceptable and not contributing to our goal of promoting a healthy and clean environment.
The close and densely populated neighborhoods, hospital, jail, schools and churches will all be in the crosshairs when something goes wrong.
Containment of a disaster is nearly impossible given the plant s location.[..] In terms of Environmental Equity, I must strenuously object to the placement
of a pyrolysis plant so close to so many economically, socially, and culturally
disadvantaged residents in our community. This kind of plant would never be
allowed in a suburban community comprised of residents with greater
advantages. There would be outrage and acrimony directed at any company
planning such a catastrophic powder keg in any economically, socially, and
culturally advantaged community. No less should be expected or accepted for
Youngstown and its diverse cross section of populations.
In addition to the clear and present danger of a disaster that will arise from a
pyrolysis plant in a Center Business District adjacent to a living, breathing
neighborhood, there has been an investment of more than $30,000,000.00 of
federal money bringing this area of town back from the brink of economic
collapse. There is no need, desire or benefit to dump a dangerous, untested,
and lethal experiment in downtown Youngstown. SOURCE: September 8, 2023 OHEPA
Federal EPA directs Ohio EPA to revise the proposed draft permit of SOBE pyrolysis plans in downtown Youngstown, Ohio - read letter from US EPA to OH EPA (PDF FILE)